Inevitable Change

Take a deep breath and know that you can’t stop the trees shedding their leaves, it’s the way of the world. Deep routed. A survival mechanism. Like the shifting spectacle around you, a process is…


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5 Easy Google SEO Tips to Gain You More Attention Now!

Up Your Visibility and Connect with More People

If you’re reading this, you have an online presence. Chances are you’d also like to know how to improve it. You may be a small business with your own website, an aspiring blogger with a following to gather, or a writer on Medium trying to figure out how to get noticed. You may be all 3 like me! And if you’re like me, you’ll have one thing on your mind, how to get seen.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is so important right now. It holds the key to your visibility and can make or break a new business. Sounds kinda scary, but there’s good news. SEO is easy to grasp and can be used by anyone to wonderful effect. Even better, what you apply to your writing for search engines will also stand you in good stead here on Medium too. Winner!

Before you sit down to slave over a 1000 word post, it’s good to know if people will actually be interested in what you’re saying. This is where a brief look into what’s trending is very handy. Google Trends is an interesting general tool to get an idea of what’s on peoples’ minds right now. But what if you have a less general area of interest you want to write about? For more specialist writing I love to use the headline studio by Coschedule

I have the paid account, but they also offer a free version which provides some great insights into what will work and what won’t. You’ll also get a glimpse into the popularity of your subject matter over the last year and their predictions for how it will do in the future. Their SEO analysis is also fantastic and will give you some amazing tips on how to improve on your ideas.

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