Biblical Reasons for Prayer and Effort

It may be they will present their supplication before the LORD, and will return every one from his evil way: for great is the anger and the fury that the LORD hath pronounced against this people…


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Simple ATtiny13 Class D Audio Amplifier

The component list in this device is very simple, consisting of the ATtiny13, two resistors, and two capacitors, along with the speaker that it powers. Audio is fed into an input pin across one of the capacitors, which is converted to a digital signal and fed to the speaker. Podkalicki notes that the Attiny13’s 9.6 MHz clock only allows for a 37.5kHZ PWM rate, however, for his experimental sampling rate of around 10KHz, it performs quite well.

Podkalicki shares that it took him a few hours to figure it out, but since he’s done most of the hard work for this breadboard amp, it could be a fast and inexpensive solution for your next project.

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